Philandras Constandinos

Constandinos Philandras

Biographical note


Studies: He was born in Vilia of Attica, Greece. He studied at the University of Athens (Bsc in Physics, 1979) and he obtained his PhD in 1994 with the thesis title “Climatic trends and fluctuations of the air temperature regime in Europe and Mediterranean Sea during the last 100 years”.

Teaching: He worked as teacher of secondary education (1980-1981) in the Higher School of Pedagogical and Technological Education (SELETE) in Athens and in 1982-1985 as a Professor in the Physics Laboratory of KATEE and Technological Educational Institute (TEI) of Athens.

Academy of Athens: He was hired in 1985 as an assistant researcher in the Research Center for Atmospheric Physics and Climatology of the Academy of Athens. In 1991 he got promoted as a junior researcher, in 1996 as an Associate researcher, in 2005 as a Senior researcher and in 2015 as a Director of Research (Acting Director of the center in 2013-2014).

Research interests: His research focuses on the study of trends and variation of surface, upper air temperature and precipitation in the European and Mediterranean region. 

Publications: He has published more than 80 papers in International peer-reviewed Scientific Journals, in Conference Proceedings and Conference communications as well as other relevant publications.



  1. Climatology of upper air temperature in the Eastern Mediterranean region,  Philandras C.M. Nastos P.T., Kapsomenakis J.  Repapis C.C., Atmospheric Research 152, 29-42,  2015. 
  2. Long Term Precipitation trend and Variability within the Mediterranean Region, C.M. Philandras, P.T. Nastos, J. Kapsomenakis, K.C. Douvis, G.   Tselioudis and C.S. Zerefos, Nat.Hazards, Earth Syst.Sci., 11,3235-3250, 2011. 
  3. Variability and Trends of mean maximum and minimum air temperature in Greece from Ground-pased observation and NCEP-NCAR Reanalysis-Gridded-data, P.Nastos, C.Philandras J. Kapsomenakis, K. Eleftheratos, International Journal of Remote Sensing , 1-16, DOI: 10.1080/1431161.2010.507798, 2011
  4. Study of the rain intensity in Athens and Thessaloniki Greece, C.M. Philandras P.T. Nastos, A.G. Paliatsos and C.C.Repapis, Advances in Geosciences 23, 37-45,  2010. 
  5. Analysis of an ensemble of present day and future regional climate simulations for Greece, P.Zanis, I. Kapsomenakis, C.Philandras, K. Douvis, D. Nikolakis, E. Kanellopoulou, C. Zerefos and C. Repapis, Inter. J. of Climatology, DOI: 10.1002//joc.1809, 2008. 
  6. Air Temperature Variability and Trends over Greece, C.M.Philandras, P.T. Nastos, C.C. Repapis, Global Nest Journal, 10, 2, 273-285,  2008. 
  7. Is the Last Years Abrupt Warming in the National Observatory of Athens Records A Climate Change Manifestation?, C.C. Repapis , C.M. Philandras, P.D. Kalabokas, P. Zanis, C.S. Zerefos, Global Nest Journal, 9, 2, 107-116, 2007
  8. Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Air Temperature in the Nothern Hemisphere,  Philandras C. M., Nastos P. TH., Kanellopoulou E. A., Paliatsos A. G., Global Nest Int. J., 6. 3, 180-185,  2004. 
  9. A Five Year Climatology of the solar erythmal UV in Athens, Greece, Mantis H.T. C.C.Repapis, C.M. Philandras, A.G. Paliatsos, C.Z.Zerefos, A. F. Bais, C. Meleti and D. S. Balis, Int. J.Climatol, 20, 1237-1247, 2000.
  10. Climate Variability and Urbanization in Athens, Philandras M.C., Metaxas D.A., and Nastos Th. P., Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 63, 1-2, 65-72, 1999.
  11. Variability of Precipitation Pattern in Greece during the Year, Metaxas D. A., Philandras C. M., Nastos P.T., and C.C. Repapis,  Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 8. , 1-6, 1999 . 
  12. Climatology of the solar erythmal  UV in Athens, Greece, Mantis H.T. C.C.Repapis, C.M. Philandras, A.G. Paliatsos, C.Z.Zerefos, A. F. Bais, C. Meleti and D. S. Balis,  Proceedings of the Academy of Athens,  72, 1997.
  13. Α Note on the Air Temperature Trends of the Last 100 Years as Evidenced in the Eastern Mediterranean Time Series, C.C. Repapis and C.M. Philandras, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 39, 93-97, 1988.



Information and contact

Research Centre for Atmospheric Physics and Climatology

Director of Research

84, Solonos str., 10680 Athens, Greece

Tel. + 30 210 8832048 (ext. 15)
Fax: +30 210 8842 098
