Research Centre for Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Art

The Research Centre for Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Art is one of the Research Institutes of the Academy of Athens. It is the brainchild of the byzantinist Manolis Chatzidakis, who held the Chair of Byzantine Archaeology and Art at the Academy of Athens from 1990 until 1998. The foundation of the Centre was decided by the Plenary Session of the Athens Academy on 23 February 1982 and was officially set up by governmental decree on 23 February 1994.

The mission of the Centre is to carry out research on the history of Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Art, focusing on the architectural and painted monuments, as well as all other works of art of the era.

Contact Details:

Address:14, Anagnostopoulou Str.,106 73 Athens
Tel. +30-210-3664 613
Fax. +30 210-3664 652