Verevi Alkistis

Alkistis Verevi

Biographical note

She studied Classical Philology at the Department of Philology at the University of Athens. She completed her postgraduate studies at the Department of Philosophy, Pedagogy and Psychology at the University of Athens. She took her MA degree in 1997 having attended the Programme “Theory and Practice of Teaching and Evaluation” and her Ph. D. degree in 2000.

She worked as a researcher at the Education Research Center of Greece (an independent institution which functioned under the supervision of the Minister of Education and Religious Affairs) from 2000 to 2007. From 2006 to 2008 she served as an Adjunct Lecturer (Greek Presidential Decree 407/1980) at the Department of Philosophy, Pedagogy and Psychology at the University of Athens giving courses in History of Education and History of Modern Greek Education. In  2009, following Supreme Council for Civil Personnel Selection’s (ASEP) recruitment procedures, she was selected as a permanent employee in the public sector and started working at the Academy of Athens as an editor at the Publications’ Office. In 2011 she was appointed as acting head at the Office. She has been working as an Associate Researcher at the Research Centre for Greek Society of the Academy of Athens since 2016. In 2021 she was promoted to Director of Research at the same center.

From 2017 to 2023 she was a member of the Scientific Council of Research Centers of the Academy of Athens (E.S.E.K.A.A.).

She has given courses at the Hellenic Army Academy, and as a collaborator at the School of Pedagogical & Technological Education (ASPETE) – Annual Pedagogical Training Programme (EPPAIK) the courses Introduction to Pedagogy, Introduction to Didactics and Modern Trends in Didactics. She has also given lectures in Seminars (as part of funded projects) at undergraduate and postgraduate level, such as Methodology of Educational Research − Applications at the Master’s Course in the “Didactics of Specialized Subjects with Digital Technologies” (Operational Programme for Education and Initial Vocational Training II [O. P. “Education” II] 3rd Community Support Framework [3rd CSF]) at the Department of Philosophy, Pedagogy and Psychology at the University of Athens. She has also taken on the practicum of students in the Programme “Practicum of Students of the Department of Philosophy, Pedagogy and Psychology, and Applying Psychology for the Students from the Programme in Psychology“(O. P. ”Education” – 2nd CFS).

She has taken part in several national, international and collaborative projects, such as “Evaluating research projects included in Action 3.2b “Research”, “Cyclops, Evaluating the use of New Technologies in the schools participating in Odysseia Programme” (O. P. ”Education”   2nd CFS), which were carried out by the Education Research Center of Greece alone or in collaboration with other institutions, such as Computer Technology Institute, the transnational Comenius Project "Une recherche - formation pour des ensei­gnants ayant des diffi­cultés dans la gestion de leurs classes. Approche psychoso­ciale". Comenius 2.1 – So­crates, Projet Transnational (Grèce-France-Italie), and the Transfer Grant Project, #TBA, "The development of education quality standards in Grade 9-10 Mathematics Teaching" of the Ontario Institute for Studies in Edu­cation of the University of Toronto.

From 2005 to 2007 she served as principal investigator at the project carried out by the Education Research Center of Greece (O. P.  “Education” II   3rd CFS) “Evaluating the functioning of the education services and its institutionalized organizations” in its following sub-projects: “Analysis of the errors made by secondary education students Analysis of the errors in written texts made by primary education students” and “Self-awareness development and students’ creativity”.

Since 2022 she is a senior researcher in the project "Extending Design Thinking with Emerging Technologies"  [HORIZON-CL2-2021-TRANSFORMATIONS-01-05].

Her research interests include educators’ professional identity as part of the project “Economic crisis and suffering in relation to the crisis of institutions in Modern Greek society: queries about the individual and collective identity” which is carried out by the Research Centre of Greek Society of the Academy of Athens. The results of her research were published in 2020 in her book  The transformations of teachers' identity at a time of crisis, Research Centre for Greek Society , Academy of Athens, Athens [in Greek], and, among others, her paper “Understanding teachers through their life journey, their ambitions and their practices”, SN Social Sciences 1, 72 (2021).

Foreign Languages: English, French.

Some of her publications are the following:

The transformations of teachers' identity at a time of crisis, Athens: Research Centre for Greek Society, Academy of Athens, 2020 [in Greek].

“Factors influencing curriculum development. The case of Classics (Ancient Greek Language and Literature) (1836-1966)”, Ta Ekpaideutika, 59-60, 2001, pp. 150-161 [in Greek].

“Converging scientific research with teaching at the university. The case of the School of Philosophy of the University of Athens”, Epistimes Agogis, 1, 2005, pp. 59-68 [in Greek].

“Educators’ contribution to the evaluation and the improvement of their work”, I lesxi ton ekpaideutikon, 30, 2003, pp. 23-25 [in Greek].

“Courses of Pedagogy in the university curricula and the written examination organized by the Supreme Council for Civil Personnel Selection’s (ASEP): Indications for educators training needs”. In: G. Bagakis (ed.), Teachers’ In-Service Training and Continuous Professional Development. Athens: Metaixmio Publishing, 2005, pp. 263-275 (co-writers Patouna, A., Stellakou, V., Koutouzis, M. & Thomadaki, E.) [in Greek].

“The Role of Musical Rhythm in Teaching Basic Concepts of Mechanics to Deaf Students”, Asian Journal of Ed­ucation and e-Learning, 3 (2), 2015, pp. 154-159 (co-writers Vavougios, D., Papalexopoulos, P., Michailou, M., Likou, E. & Patapi, P.).

 “Teaching Science to Students with Learning and Other Disabilities: A Review of Topics and Subtopics Appearing in Experimental Research 1991-2015”, International Journal of Higher Education, 5(4), 2016, pp. 268-280 (co-writers Vavougios, D., Papalexopoulos, P., Verevi, C.-I. & Panagopoulou, A.).

“Integrating New Technologies in Teaching”. In: A. Dimitrakopoulou (ed.), Information and Communication Technologies in Education: 3rd Pan-Hellenic Conference Proceedings. Rhodes: Kastaniotis Publications, 2002, pp. 21-26, (co-writers Tzartzas, G., Svolopoulos, V., Patouna, A. & Thomadaki, E.) [in Greek].

“Initial teacher training and recruitment of educators in secondary education”. In: A. Trilianos & I. Karaminas (eds.), Learning and teaching in the society of knowledge. Proceedings of the 5th Pan-Hellenic Conference, Athens 26, 27, 28 November 2004, vol. II. Athens: Research Center for Science and Education, 2005, pp. 586-595 (co-writers Stellakou, V., Patouna, A., Koutouzis, M. & Thomadaki, E.) [in Greek].

“De­centralizing Educa­tion in Greece: In search for a new role for the school leaders”, The commonwealth Council for Educational Administration and Management-CCEAM Conference, “Think Globally Act Locally: A Challenge to Education Leaders”, 8-12 September 2008, ICC Durban, 2008 (co-writers Koutouzis, E., Bithara, P., Kyranakis, S. & Mavraki, M.).

“Understanding teachers through their life journey, their ambitions and their practices”, SN Social Sciences 1, 72 (2021). 

"Financial crisis and educational changes: four types of educators in the whirlpool of decisions and adaptations", Mentor,  19, 2021, pp.136-170 [in Greek].

"Teachers' job satisfaction during the financial crisis through their personal narratives", Greek Society, Yearbook of the Research Centre for Greek Society, v. 12 (ed. Nikos Kaberis), Academy of Athens - Research Centre for Greek Society, Athens 2022, pp. 71-113 [in Greek].

She has also undertaken the editing of some books and special issues in journals.

Education Research Center of Greece, The project “Research” 1997-2000. Summative report. A. Projects in the framework of the O.P. for Education and Initial Vocational Training, B. Selected activities of the Center. A. Verevi (ed.), Athens: Education Research Center of Greece, 2002 [in Greek].

Special Issue: New Technologies in Education, Diavazo, 428, April 2002 [in Greek].

Education Research Center of Greece, Higher Education Entrance Examinations: A critical approach of the examined topics, 1961-2001. A. Dimaras (supervision), A. Verevi (ed.). Athens: Education Research Center of Greece, 2003 [in Greek].


Information and contact

Research Centre of Greek Society

Director of Research

Address: 14 Anagnostopoulou str., 10673 Athens

Tel.: +30 210 3664 614
