«The Long Road to Ithaca: A Physiologist’s Journey» (Sadis Madalon, 12 Απριλίου 2022)


Διαδικτυακή Συνεδρία υποδοχής του Καθηγητή κ. Sadis Matalon ως αντεπιστέλλοντος μέλους της Ακαδημίας Αθηνών

Την Τρίτη 12 Απριλίου 2022 και ώρα 18.00 μεταδόθηκε η διαδικτυακή συνεδρία υποδοχής ως αντεπιστέλλοντος μέλους της Ακαδημίας Αθηνών, του κ. Sadis Matalon , διακεκριμένου καθηγητή αναισθησιολογίας, Alice McNeal Endowed Chair, Αντιπροέδρου Έρευνας Τμήματος Αναισθησιολογίας και Περιεγχειρητικής Ιατρικής της Σχολής του Heersing στο Πανεπιστήμιο της Αλαμπάμα των ΗΠΑ.

Κατά τη διεξαγωγή της τελετής υποδοχής, παρουσία του Προέδρου της Ακαδημίας Αθηνών, κ. Αντωνίου Ρεγκάκου και του Γενικού Γραμματέως κ. Χρήστου Ζερεφού, ο Ακαδημαϊκός κ. Γεώργιος Κόλλιας παρουσίασε τον Καθηγητή Matalon, ο οποίος ακολούθως παρέθεσε ομιλία με τίτλο “The Long Road to Ithaca: A Physiologist’s Journey”.



Sadis Matalon

Distinguished Professor and Alice McNeal Endowed Chair, Vice Chair for Research
Director, Division of Molecular and Translational Biomedicine, Department of Anesthesiology & Perioperative Medicine
Director, Pulmonary Injury and Repair Center, UAB Heersink School of Medicine


Περίληψη / Abstract:

During his presentation, Professor Matalon will discuss two aspects of his scientific life: first, being the Editor-in-Chief of Physiological Reviews, the most cited physiology journal in the world (2020 Impact Factor 37.3).  Of note, two of the Associate Editors (Drs. Kollias and Ioannides) and a member of the editorial board (Dr. Mavragani) are eminent Greek scientists, making significant contributions to the success of the journal.  Then, he will discuss the mechanisms by which exposure to toxic gases (such as chlorine and bromine) cause acute and chronic lung and systemic organ injury, which may result in the development of chronic changes (fibrosis and emphysema) or death from cardiopulmonary failure.  Findings from his research have shown that reactive intermediates formed by the reaction of chlorine with lung lipids forms long acting intermediates that fracture red blood cells, resulting in the release of hemoglobin and heme in the plasma. Heme causes cellular and organ injury by enhancing the formation of reactive species and decreasing mitochondria respiration. An exciting aspect of his research is the demonstration that  human hemopexin, an agent that scavenges free heme, improves survival and decreases the progression of acute to chronic lung injury in animals exposed to toxic gases. In addition, he will present new data showing that mice with sickle cell disease exposed to chlorine develop Acute Chest Syndrome and hemopexin reduces mortality and lung injury.  Current work in his laboratory centers around the  mechanisms by which toxic gases damage the mitochondria. 


Επισυνάπτεται βιογραφικό του Δρος Sadis Matalon



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